Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weekend Warriors

Part of living in the city is subscribing to the 'weekend warrior' effect. And we've been making a good effort to take non-sensical road trips just about every other weekend since we've arrived. We're averaging a trip back to the Kootenays about once a month, all for a little dose of home and a taste of the slower valley pace. Seems ridiculous considering the epic driving and snack packing required to get there and back - but worth it nonetheless.

Our first visit back in September was essential for catching up with some beloved friends that are soon making their own move to Australia. We also harvested the neglected garden which turned out to be 'not so neglected' and quite productive. Corn, tomatoes, a variety of squash and enough zuchinni to feed a small army was collected.

Last month still had the feeling of summer in the air, but when we headed back this past Thanksgiving weekend, you could certainly tell the change in season.  It was a fabulous weekend of feasting with friends and family, with enough whipped cream and gravy consumed to hibernate for the next six months.

We even made it out to Banff for a little Rocky Mountain adventuring with Uncle Chris one weekend while Robin was away attending the 1000 miles apart Ceramics Conference in Winnipeg.

Tomorrow we're off to Sundre to check out a good friend's kiln and property and we're hoping to still fit in a trip to Medicine Hat before Halloween rolls around. It has been go, go, go since we arrived in late August - the idea of hibernating is starting to sound pretty good right about now.

1 comment:

gladventurer said...

Great to see you on the weekend and hope the Sundre trip was fun for all. Enjoyed all you photos in this blog. GL