Friday, November 5, 2010


Will they or won't they? It's November 5th and despite the incredible autumn colours, the leaves are still holding out, the sun continues to shine and we are doing a lot of bike riding these days. The weather has been fantastic this week and much of last, but the forecast is for snow this coming weekend, so we are taking every opportunity to pedal while it is still nice.

With winter right around the corner, that also means the looming deadline for Robin is not far away. He is incredibly busy in the studio these days, firing nearly every week and sorting out details for his thesis defense in December. I'm doing my best to steer any undue stress or parental expectations in the other direction so that he can concentrate on this last push to the finish line, but much to the kids delight he happily still finds time for bike rides.


Julie MacMillan said...

Awe lovely pics and as always thinking of you HEAPS ((HUGS)) So soon and you will be a BCer once again! Whoop Whoop

gladventurer said...

Cycling in a skirt that's my Isla