Sunday, October 31, 2010

What a treat!

Spideyman and the most adorable little ladybug I have ever set eyes on moved into our house about a week ago and began training for what turned out to be a most eventful Halloween eve last night. Here in Logan, Utah, this holiday is much anticipated and well celebrated, but ironically never on a Sunday should the actual day fall on the sabbath. We had been forewarned to be prepared for trick or treaters on the Saturday night and spent the day baking and preparing our costumes for a neighborhood party down the street.

It was a good thing it wasn't farther than a half block away because I might not have made it to the house in one piece had it been any farther- my friend Donna and I made the trip on ill-fitting rollerskates as part of our costumes as roller derby girls: Sin-derella and Black out Betty!
The party was a great opportunity to 'see' some neighbors and friends that were curious to hear about my surgery and recovery, and it was an extra special treat that Grandma Lady offered to babysit the remainder of the evening so that we could go out again to the adult party after bringing the trick or treaters safely home.

1 comment:

gladventurer said...

you two are knock-outs