Saturday, October 16, 2010

Farewell to the Golden Days

Well we said farewell to our home away from home, here in Golden. I can hardly believe it has been a month since my surgery and I am due for my final follow up appointment this coming week. With fingers crossed on tuesday, the retinal specialist that did my surgery will have a peek at my peekaboos and tell me that all is great and I can return to the life I once knew.

Golden has been great. As mentioned again and again, I couldn't have done this without the help of my mom. But the kids and I will surely look back fondly on our days here with so many fun memories and achievements accomplished.....

.....where Roscoe was pottytrained.

....there were in-house spa treatments

.....where Isla championed her two wheeler.

....where breakfast was accompanied by live music.

....and there were endless hours to talk on the telephone.

It was terrific to catch up with so many friends, thanks to all that helped fill the hours of my days by taking time out of their busy schedules to chat. It has reminded me that as my life will surely soon return to its hectic pace, it is important to connect with loved ones both near and far. Farewell Golden days, we're looking forward to getting home.

1 comment:

grandma lady said...

missing you three already but looking forward to the Lady Slipper trek in a few days