Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get ready, get set

Do I dare say that we almost have Year Two under wrap and I'm prematurely feeling a tingle of excitement that we are now officially on the homestretch? Robin came home for supper tonight and announced that he attended the last class today for one of his courses he's been taking this semester. In a few short weeks he'll be giving out his own grades, cleaning up around the studio and getting ready for a final critique before the summer break begins. 

Today I found myself thinking about the many transitions we've endured the last couple of years here in Utah, and how we still have a few big ones to get through. Needless to say, it ain't over yet with plenty more transition on the horizon. The plans we have for this upcoming summer should prove to be a test in itself, with two weddings, a residency, a workshop, a studio tour and sale and an overseas trip all neatly slotted into 3.5 months. Yow! Oh, and I was going to try and write that cookbook and attempt potty training in there somewhere too.

I've decided to get the kids on a training regime now so that they are prepped and properly equipped for the traveling DuPont road show that I've signed them up for this summer. Beginning tomorrow they'll have to start napping in their carseats, their choice of wardrobe will be downsized to five outfits (including wedding attire) which they'll be required to keep clean at all costs, toy selection will be limited to what they can fit in between them in the backseat of the car and they'll have to of course develop a taste for fast food. 

I'm kidding of course. The next month or so here in Logan, I'm hoping to relax as much as possible, hang out with some great people and welcome the springtime, if it ever decides to arrive. (Did I mention that it was snowing again here today?) I did get in an afternoon tea with some of those great friends while my mom was here last week.  


kmfm said...

"great" and cute girlfriends ;)...that was a fun afternoon and I wish we could do it more often. It is sad to think that two of the cute ladies in the picture may not be here this time next year!
hope your kids are having a great nap...in their car seats.

Julie MacMillan said...

Love the photo of relaxation! I love the prepping plans too...hilarious. Anyhoo it was super to chat with you last night. I like our somewhat organized monthly chinwags....got out and about with Alistair again today...we actually did some 4 by 4ing with the stroller in my friends field with a glass of wine in hand! Ahhh good times.....