Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy Hair and Caterpillars

Each week Isla's preschool features a theme of some kind and this week it was all about occupations. Her teacher had approached me a while back about having Robin come and talk about being a 'Potter', but unfortunately the timing didn't work out with his own teaching schedule, but by the sounds of it they were able to get enough other moms and dads to volunteer to come in to talk about their jobs with the kids. 

Today they had a hairdresser come in and appropriately declared it crazy hair day, so Isla went off to school donning a fountain and two side spigots. 

Roscoe and I had our own lesson in occupations, and learned all about what it is to be a city worker here in Logan. The water line in front of our house had a leak and they've been prepping and surveying it for a couple weeks now. Today was digging day, and Roscoe couldn't have been a more attentive student. He positioned himself at the front window and took it all in beginning at 8 a.m. until I forced the nap issue this afternoon.  The workers were noticeably aware of their audience and invited him to check out the machine on their lunch break.
Fortunately for Isla, she too got invited to try out the controls later this afternoon once she came back from school. 


The Unknown Potter said...

kids love this stuff- I have a young friend I always call when I see a house being moved or whatever!

gladventurer said...

what a thrill for a "cool truck" little guy