Sunday, March 21, 2010

Daffodil days

Since our deluge of visitors earlier this month, I'm just now catching my breath this afternoon to enjoy a cup of tea and a quiet house. Robin and Isla have headed up to the ski hill to get in a little father daughter spring skiing, and Roscoe is slumbering the afternoon away in his big boy bed. 

This winter seemed to happen by so quickly, without much time to reflect on it's highlights. And now here we are, the first day of spring, with semester end just around the corner and another year of graduate school nearly complete. I feel a little like our daffodil bulbs that have pushed their way through some pretty rough soil to greet the sunshine.   

I have to admit the last few months went infinitely better than the fall months in terms of our stress levels around here. Robin's schedule permitted a little more family time in his day and my coping skills hugely improved.  

So what were the highlights? Isla learning to ski, Roscoe learning to talk, all the great company that made our spare room feel less empty and most definitely all the fantastic food we've been savouring. The cookbook is still a part of my everyday thoughts, and all the recipes we've been trying out this winter have helped inspire me to get writing. Tonight I'm making paella for the first time. Thanks to some great friends back in Calgary (Rob & Christine),  we have the authentic spanish pimenton spice in the cupboard that is a necessity when making paella. 


gladventurer said...

Happy Spring to the DuPonts

The Unknown Potter said...

still checking in and being inspired by your goings- on. Thanks for the anagama link in ontario...curious about your recipe work/book???