Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It was the perfect day for the annual fall Chili Bowl sale. We woke up to an inch of freshly fallen snow yesterday morning after a storm had moved in some time during the night. The snow kept up throughout the morning and I bundled the kids in their snowgear and winter accessories to meet Robin for lunch at the university and check out the event.

Each year around this time the ceramics students make a series of bowls to sell as part of a fundraiser for the USU ceramics guild. Along with your bowl, you get a serving of hot chili and the event is held outside of the student center here on campus, hoping to attract plenty of hungry students as they head over to the food court for lunch. Last year the event was so successful they actually sold out of bowls. 

Isla picked out a bowl of Christa's that she fancied and we managed to get a quick lunch in before both kids started complaining of cold hands and overdue naptime. The rest of the afternoon was spent anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Lady Slipper Rig! My mom and Sam arrived in Logan just around suppertime last night, but we were forced to wait until morning for our first tour of the 'house on wheels' as Isla refers to it. Sam and my mom are enroute to Mexico again for the winter, but this year they've decided to change things up a bit and instead of their regular timeshare condo, they'll be mobile with all the luxuries you could ever imagine. 

The kids and I got the grand tour and even took a ride in it this morning. We buckled up in the back, riding easy on the leather couches and went for drive. Isla was impressed to say the least, Roscoe was not quite as sure of the moving part and kept a good grip on his mama's sleeve while in motion. This unit has so many switches and compartments, I am sure Sam and my mom will be kept busy all winter long just trying to figure out what does what! 

1 comment:

Schmoo and Beans Mom said...

Wow, does Roscoe ever look like Fraser in that picture in the rig. Thanks for the pics!