Monday, September 7, 2009

A day in Idaho

This morning we took some friends up on an offer to tag along with them for the day and spent our holiday Monday paddling along a river about an hour's drive north of Logan, near Preston Idaho. Robin opted for a productive day in the studio, but was surely missed, although I don't think we could have squeezed one more person in the canoe. 

Our friends Caroline and Mark are avid paddlers and spent much of their leisure time kayaking and canoeing these parts. Their daughter Arianne and Isla are very good little pals and Isla couldn't think of a better way than to spend the day - in a boat with her friend and a whole bunch of snacks and toys. 

Some other neighbors came along as well with their daughter, who couldn't resist the toy/snack boat either, so we totalled 6 in the canoe. Needless to say, we were riding a little low in the river, and even high centered ourselves on a rock at one point. 
We decided to leave Roscoe with our friend Lisa on shore, as she had her 1 month old baby girl with her. But we made sure Roscoe got some canoe time in himself at the pull out so that he didn't feel too left out of the excitement.

After the paddling adventure we headed straight for the hotsprings nearby and spent the remainder of the day climbing stairs and riding a 6 storey tube waterslide. It was the strangest operation I've ever seen - Riverside Resort is a public swimming spot with a series of hot pools of varying temperatures, and a giant spiraling tube waterslide as it's main feature, in the middle of this tiny farm town in southeastern Idaho. Both Isla and Roscoe loved it and kept dragging me back up almost as soon as we hit the water. I can already tell my thighs aren't going to be as thrilled tomorrow morning. 

1 comment:

gladventurer said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day