Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spring in Logan

Part of the excitement of moving to a new place is discovering how the seasons vary, how they differ from home and what surprises each new month reveals. And although we've been here now 10 months, many things still seem new to us. 

Logan and the Kootenays share some similarities, but we have noticed enough differences to make note of them. They both are mountainous regions, yet are strikingly different in look and composition. Back home we live amongst the cedars in a near inland rainforest type climate, surrounded by rivers, lakes and spring runoff every which way you turn, whereas in Logan we are often reminded that we live on the edge of the desert. Here there are canyons and rattlesnakes.

There is of course the predominant religious culture here in Utah, way different from the more paganistic worship that goes on in the valley we come from. 

But in both places you will find those that worship the outdoors and all that it has to offer in terms of recreation. There is plenty of hiking, biking, paddling, skiing and climbing opportunities within minutes of your doorstep both here and in the Kootenays. But here they wear spandex not armor and they sport the REI label, rather than the MEC one. Subtle differences, but for the same pursuit and passion. 

Speaking of doorsteps, one major adjustment for us has been the move from a fairly remote mountainside home, where the nearest neighbors can't be seen or heard and you have to drive 10 minutes to get your mail, to an urban residential community with manicured lawns, mailboxes and curbside garbage pickup. Whereas back home, I rarely meddled with the forest floor and left it up to mother nature to decide plant species and spacing, here I am tasked with continuous lawn maintenance. 

I admit I hate dandelions now. And vow to never lay sod wherever we shall live out our days, so that I won't have to mow it. But I realize it is my neighborly duty here in Logan to keep my lawn and flower beds looking presentable, and there have been some wonderful parts to keeping up with the Joneses. 

Take the succession of flowers. First we had crocuses and daffodils, then hyacinths, then tulips. The lilac bushes have bloomed and scented the neighborhood, and we're now on to irises, peonies and roses. Each new species has been a surprise and delight to watch flourish. Someone at some point in time put a lot of love and time into planting bulbs and perennials in these beds.  I've felt that as repayment for all that hard work, the least I can do is pull the weeds to keep them from choking out the flowers. 
So despite all the weeding and mowing and trimming I've been doing this month, I am actually quite enjoying this late spring season here in Logan. Since Robin arrived home from his trip, life has been pretty sweet. There have been barbeques, beer making afternoons and birthday parties. The weather has been warm, the backyard inviting, and although he has been back in the studio, his pace has mellowed and we've all had lots of time together to smell the roses. 


gladventurer said...

I love this blog entry Eden, what an enjoyable read.
The big words make me think of when you used to ask your dad," what is a kids' way of writing this word".
Keep smeling those roses.

Adam Field said...

3rd paragraph, 8th word, misspelled, three letters too many on the end. FYI ;-)