Monday, December 18, 2017

December Dialogue

On the 18th day of December, my true love said to me...

PW (Potter's Wife): What would you put in this bowl?

P (Potter): Cereal. Or anything that you want to scoop onto your spoon easily.

PW: Rice? We do call them rice bowls, sell them as such.
P: Salsa, oatmeal...

PW: Pistachios?

P (Potter): It about the containment. Whether it is a closed or open form. Certain foods are suited to more containment. Some need less containment. 

PW: Like soup? 

P: Containment is a concept that is impossible to ignore as a potter. Everything is made to contain something, whether it be flowers, liquid, food..

PW: It's somewhat similar to the type of drinking vessel you would choose for a specific beverage, eh?

P: Yeah.

PW: What about the surface? Does the surface of the pot make you want to put something specific in it?

P: Sometimes. Especially if I'm geeking out on the culinary. 

PW: Maybe if it were a collaboration with a chef... 

P: Yeah, I'd be into that.

Rice bowl $45
To purchase, email
What would you put in it? 

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