Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Sometimes life gets a little complicated, and I've realized that when that happens for me I go into numb mode aka 'deal with it'. Blog visitors, forgive me.....it has been over two months since my last post, double that since my last FB status update and I've never actually tweeted in my life. I am encouraged though that my absence from the blog the last couple months has prompted an outpouring of inquiry - which to me is a relief that people actually read my nonsense periodically and have noticed that it has been awhile.

Consider this my return to the blogosphere. I won't fill you in on all the details of the past couple months other than Christmas was Merry, New Years was bright. Rather, I am reflecting on this past week of nasty cold temperatures here in Calgary and welcoming the warm chinook winds which will hopefully also prompt my brain thaw. Fingers crossed.


kmfm said...

YEAH! Welcome back :) Fingers crossed for warmer weather and brain thawing! I miss your posts...I check every morning....it's like my version of reading a newspaper.
p.s. I went to a very lonely Piyo class this morning. I need a new Piyo friend. Brooke is still as amazing as she always was...she is such a treat to be around in the mornings! I thought of you friend!

Julie MacMillan said...

Yippeyiyah! Your back. :D I have to say I was starting to wonder where my blogger cus was as its been a bit.... anyhoooo I think we're due for a good ol' chat on the phone here sooner than later! I'm trying to keep busy while I'm able but this belly of mine keeps getting bigger and bigger. :D Glad the brains starting to thaw as it tends to get a little sluggish otherwise Cheers to you and the family and a happy new year!

bfreeceramics said...

you're like the coolest blogger in the world. don't stop.

gladventurer said...

glad you are back

Jeannie said...

what an honest and interesting blog Eden, I'll look forward to your posts, you are a talented woman and an amazing mom