Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No rest

We must surely be in, no rest for the wicked....since its been non stop work since we arrived back in the Kootenays. In contrast to the anticipated afternoons at the beach, sleep ins and bbq parties on backyard decks - we've been working ourselves from morning to night this last week. A result of last minute decisions to do some work on the house, while cleaning up the property and getting ready for our big studio show and sale this coming weekend. 

We're participating in the Columbia Basin Culture Tour again this year - a celebration of local art and culture where the community is invited 'behind the scenes' to tour artists' studios, museums, art galleries and other cultural venues throughout the Columbia Basin.  This year's event is taking place over two days, August 14 and 15, from 10a.m. - 5 p.m. both days. 
Besides our work projects, there has been some intermittent relaxation of course. I keep telling myself that it'll all be worth the effort this weekend when we have the chance to look around at our place and enjoy the fruits of our labour with our neighbors and friends over a glass of wine or two. 

So if you happen to be in the area, be sure to come on by and have a look at the work Robin created while down at Medalta, and be sure to check out the siding while you're here too:)


carole epp said...

you guys are awesomely nuts! my goodness take a break. you're making me feel like a lazy bum!
Wish I could be there for the studio visits, if only...
much love and hugs to you all

Robin said...

wow. looks good. can't wait to see the day.

Julie MacMillan said...

Man you're going to be happy to get back to UTAH just so you can put up your tootsies! : D ( love your socks!)