Many thanks to our friend Amanda who baked all the treats and goodies for the event, and a special thanks to our friend and valley neighbor Brenda for allowing us to come and pick from her gorgeous garden - the flowers gave the display that extra touch. Thank you both!
In fact, this weekend couldn't have come together without the help of so many. My mom especially, with her keeping our kids entertained and happy during our epic work days and the event itself. With the event under our belts, I was just in fact congratulating ourselves on how we had indeed (almost) pulled off the most crazy summer ever. And as it happens, that's when every so often, life throws you a curveball........
I now find myself back in Calgary, after having driven here all night last night with Robin from the Kootenays to get here in time for an early morning appointment with a retina specialist. It has been discovered, quite unfortunately, that both my eyes have partial retina detachment. Apparently this is quite a serious medical condition, I am realizing, with all the fuss everybody is making about it and me. But without any symptoms, it has been a harder realization to make.
So, what's next? A surgical booking, a wild sounding re-attachment procedure, some considerable healing and recuperation time, and some major changes to our lives for the time being. What I am most grateful for is the people and love that I find myself surrounded by, and knowing that in a year from now I'll be hopefully blogging about something else.
Eden, I'm so sorry to hear such tough news about your condition, we're wishing you all the best for your surgery and a speedy recovery.
Woof... did you make some half formed wish for a big change in life or what?
Seriously though... you should do just fine, just make sure to find a few things to do with your eyes closed. It'll be a great time to learn to play a new instrument.
Eden! Oh sweetie...here's hoping for a quick and complete recovery. My heart goes out to you. If there is anything we can do (i know we're far away) but seriously anything please let us know. I could always use an excuse to drive to the mountains.
all our the best to you all.
SHIZNAT....I can't believe it! As if your summer hasn't been a big enough whirlwind as it is! I take it you must have gone in for a scheduled eye appointment if you didn't have symptoms?!?! ...I'm totally going to start brain storming eyes closed activities ...could be fun..a good excuse to receive a ton of massages! : D Anyhow wonderlady we're thinking of you TONS XOXOXO
Your cus ~ Julie
awe Eden! That is not the cherry on top story I was hoping to read. I am sorry! Let me know anything I can do from the Logan end!!! extra hugs to you!
EDEN!!! that is so rotten! I wish I was there to help you with the kids and bring you some yummy food. Take care of yourself. If you need us to do something about your house in Logan (pack it up or whatever if you aren't coming back soon) let us know. Love you tons and miss you and will do whatever we can to help!
Man, sorry to hear about that...glad you are now diagnosed and getting it all taken care of - hope all goes smoothly and quickly.
Many thanks for all your messages and concern. 'Tis a fixable condition, just dreadful. Surgery is booked for next Wednesday, wish me luck.
Wishing my baby LUCK with lots of prayers attached. See you soon, your babies are finehere in Nelson.
Just got caught up on what is happening-I want to come visit you's next "culture tour"... and I wish you all the best for treatment and healing!
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