The miserable, no good, ill-timed cold that my kids caught a few weeks ago finally caught up to me. So I've been feeling awful on top of missing my other half who is back in Medicine Hat making pots this month. He surprised us on Sunday and drove up from the Hat to spend the day with all of us before we took off for the Kootenays early Monday morning. It was so great to see him, even though it'd been less than a week since we parted last, like falling in love again. Isla was equally over the moon when her dada showed up in time to take in a midday matinee with her at the cheapie theatre.
I had the car packed and ready to get up at the crack of dawn on Monday, easing the kids out of their slumber and into their carseats for the 7 hour drive to Nelson. Unfortunately the trip was more like 9 hours when we came up against a highway closure due to a bad accident outside of Creston. But we arrived at my sister's for a happy cousin reunion and already I'm reminded of how much I miss living here and being close to my sister. She's been extremely generous with her time since we arrived, allowing me to put in some hours on a work project that I have on the go, as well as trying to get healthy again so that I can actually enjoy my Kootenay time these next two weeks.
But tonight, I'm missing Robin. I've been following the blogs of a couple of the other artists that are currently down at Medalta as part of the July residency, Carole Epp and Robin Lambert, both keeping current posts about the ongoings and activities. I personally know Robin Lambert, from back in the ol' ACAD days (a fellow ceramics grad of Robin's) and I feel like I know Carole even though I don't, through following her blog and mutual friends. It's been great to read their take on residency life, and secretly wish for Robin sightings in their posts, makes me miss it when our month there in June seemed to fly by so quickly.
I'm hoping to make a trip out to Medicine Hat again this month (I know - more driving!) when we return to Calgary near the end of the month for Robin's brother's wedding. I don't want to entirely miss out on all the excitement and bbqing that is happening down there in the Hat. But for now anyways, it's Kootenay time.
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