Sunday, February 7, 2010

Get outta jail free card

Roscoe is officially no longer behind bars. This afternoon I took to task taking apart his crib and setting up the toddler bed in it's place. I can't tell who is more excited, him or Isla! The two of them spent a good hour jumping from bed to bed in their room, setting up a fortress of stuffies and cars around the perimeter of their mattresses and giggling to one another about Roscoe's new found freedom. Little did he realize that once bedtime came around, the toddler bed came with the same set of rules, only this time it's self control he has to exercise rather than the gymnastics of trying to climb out. He did pretty well for the first night. Now I'm anxious to see who beats who into mommy's room tomorrow a.m???


Schmoo and Beans Mom said...

Congratulations Took on your big boy bed! I can't believe how much you look like Bean in this picture! You must be related.

gladventurer said...

Won't Grandma Lady have fun in April!!!!!!!!!!

Julie MacMillan said...

Love the "LOVE" Spice Cake...I have been a tad busy with this and that.....I'll try calling again soon! Cheers Julie

Shovel Snow and Sew said...


PS. E, did you hear about the schools dilemma. You can read about it on my blog. xo e