Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Labour day

This morning I woke up with the worst kink right in the middle of my neck. I could hardly even move my head to rouse Robin to fetch the muscle relaxants. Most of the day was spent catering to my stiffened posture, and keeping medicated enough to keep the worst of the pain at bay.... As bad as it sounds, it was nothing compared to the state I was in four years ago today - my labour day! 

Tomorrow is my sweet Isla Belle's fourth birthday! So that technically makes today my labouring day. My sister called this afternoon to remind me of this reason to commemorate and I spent the rest of the day thinking about my little girl and what an incredible and inspiring little person she has become in her four short years. 

And although she may be only four, she has become my wisest and most respected teacher, teaching me important life lessons each and every day. Such as.....

...it's okay to wear what makes you feel great inside, even if it means changing twelve times a day to find that perfect outfit.

...it's important to dance around your livingroom at least once a day. 

.... it's important to
 try and put yourself in someone else's shoes every once in awhile to appreciate how good you've got it. 

....if you don't ask questions (lots and lots of questions), you'll never learn a thing.

....even when you feel like you are facing an uphill battle, it's important to not give up. 

....everyone deserves to feel like a princess. 

...ice cream solves everything! AND

...the most important job in the world is being a good mama to your babies (even if they are plastic!)


Schmoo and Beans Mom said...

Oh Belly, you're such a wise and beautiful little girl. Your Auntie Kie loves you....and your Mama!

kmfm said...

what a sweet post Eden. You should print it off and put it in your adorable birthday girl's baby book! You are a fantastic Mom and have two wonderful kiddos to prove it! Happy birthday to Isla!