Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's Shhhhhhow Time!

Somehow it's mid-April?!? I'm vaguely aware of the last several months passing by, days full of this and that, probably too full of days. But here we are, it's spring and it's also showtime.

Robin and I spent the weekend at the Art College getting set up for his year end show which opens tomorrow (Monday) night. As the visiting artist he's been working towards putting together a show that will exhibit what he has been working on this past year at ACAD.

The opening will be a reception at the Candahar bar in the main lobby of the Art College from 5 - 7 p.m. So if you are in the neighborhood, stop by for a pint!


gladventurer said...

That is a very interesting wall display. Is there a theme name? Good to chat before we all retired for the night. Hope all goes well tomorrow. mom

bfreeceramics said...

nice dishes, rob. way to keep keep showing!!!