Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rainbows, Sequins and Tooth fairies

November is typically a dreary, cold and dark month, with complaints of shorter days and first frosts. But not if you have a daughter whose brilliant personality and infectious smile lights up everything and everyone around her.

Isla turned six last weekend, and her greatest wish was to lose a tooth. She has been fascinated and slightly envious of all the children in her class - with someone losing or tooth nearly everyday it seems.

Pull, tug, and wiggle as we would - her teeth seem solidly in place (for now anyways). So with a sigh of acceptance, she requested instead a rainbow party for her sixth birthday - and that one I could deliver on.

We took advantage of the long weekend and packed up the candles, decorations and cake making ingredients and headed for the Kootenays.

Turning six, I have realized now, comes with some added maturity and a delightful sense of self-determination and assurance. Isla was most helpful all weekend and enthusiastically involved in all the preparations for the party.

She played a gracious hostess at the party, serving up lunch to all her playmates, organizing the events and party games. And with a sparkle in her eye to match her sequined top, she gleefully received her birthday song and cake.

With as much enthusiasm as her mother (that it actually worked), we revealed a six layer rainbow cake!

Isla Belle, teeth and all, I love you for all your radiance, sparkling personality and kind heart. Happy Birthday my sweet.


valerie said...

Happy Birthday Isla! Love the cake! I'll have to get the recipe.

elizabeth said...

Wow! 6! Happy Birthday Isla! And what a cake Mama!
What a sweet sweet girl.

kmfm said...

happy birthday dear Isla! We all miss you in Logan! Your cake looks fantastic! Wish we could have been there to share a piece!