Monday, November 28, 2011

High above

Much of the fun of living back in Calgary this year has been getting acquainted to the city with kids in tow....and that means re-exploring many of the places I remember from my childhood.

I took the kids up the Calgary Tower last weekend. It was one of those super cold, clear sky kind of days and I imagined a clear view of the mountains from up in the tower would entice everyone out of their jammies. It also fit the requirement of a school photography project she is doing around community.

I wasn't at all surprised when Isla traipsed back and forth across the glass floor overlooking a busy downtown street, even stretching her body out lengthwise to get a better view of below. I was although more surprised at Roscoe's reluctance to step foot on the glass floor. Despite Isla's gentle encouragement, there was no way he was getting any closer than necessary.
Isla on the other hand is obviously not afraid of heights!


Julie MacMillan said...

Love it! AND how ambitious that rainbow cake neato. I can just imagine how special that would be to Isla. I've just been working my patootie off at work the last three days doing 12 hour shifts so will get my poop in a group here in the next few days and give you a jingle to catch up. ~ Cheers CUS

gladventurer said...

Super shots on the glass floor Eden. I am not surprised that Isla would be in her glory looking down on the city. Roscoe on he other hand is certainly the more cauious one, likes his feet on the ground/bike.
13 days and counting

Julie MacMillan said...

POOP I lost your number and was going to jingle you so now i'm messaging you everywhere so you can send it to me again! LOL...~ Cheers Julie

Heather said...

Please email me! I have a question about your blog :)