Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garden Goodness

The rain is coming down so hard right now we've got a series of tributaries spanning our new driveway! Robin was forced to brave the downpour and dig a few diversion ditches to properly drain the surging puddles. Its been that kind of summer here - a wet one. And although its getting a bit old, and I'd really like a few hot days to hit the river with the kids, I am happy to be reaping the rewards of a happy garden.

It hasn't obviously been all that bad since by the looks of my greenhouse you'd never know it has been unseasonably cool in the Kootenays. Even the outdoor patches of this n' that are providing some food for the dinner table these days. We've enjoyed some fabulous pesto, salads every night and enough snap peas to keep the kids happy.

Even the odd vase or two are getting some use with some fresh flowers.


Linda Starr said...

You can send us a little rain down here in Florida, we could use it. Great shots of the garden.

gladventurer said...

Love the garden photos Eden.
Looking forward to seeing it in real life.