Friday, April 15, 2011

Have Garden, Will Grow

After a three year hiatus from our property, I am giddy with excitement to finally put in a garden. The last three summers have been spent either packing, moving, travelling, and touring, all which equates to a transient lifestyle not conducive to gardening.

I am by no means an expert gardener, but I think my thumb slightly turned a shade of green a couple summers ago when we housesat for some very special people here in the valley and I learned a whole lot more about organic gardening.

So with the snow NEARLY all gone, and more hours have been spent outdoors than indoors of late, I've dived into the gardening full force with the aid of many helpers, both young and old(er).

Isla and I spent the day sorting seeds and planting starters for our greenhouse that Grandpa Wes so competently put together for us. With the help of Sam and Grandma Lady, who happened to be around these parts this week, we've been getting things done around here. The Daddy sure will be surprised when he comes home next week. He's off on another clay adventure of sorts......more details soon.


Julie MacMillan said...

yahooo gardening time! Hope we can work something so you and the kidlets can come up North in July! Totally can stop over here! Happy Gardening

kmfm said...

fun! yipee for a green house too! I want one, but truth be told...I want one so I can put a lawn chair in it in early Spring, close my eyes, and pretend it is Summer while I sit in the warm sunshine :). Can't wait to watch your garden grow!