Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ohhh Christmas tree

We only knew her a few short weeks, but grew to love her regardless. Sadly, we said goodbye to the little fir that had taken up residence in our front room this holiday season. 

She came cheap, being so late in the season, with only a week left before Christmas. But we dressed her up, snuggled her into the appropriate holder,  adorned her lovingly with homemade decorations and twinkling lights, and in return she sent out a wonderful aroma into our home and helped us make many memories. We'll always remember her as the best little tree in Utah. 

But with so many needles weaving their way into the carpet and ending up in Roscoe's mouth, I decided it was time to move her on out and take her to the tree deposit so that she can start composting down for another generation of Christmas trees.  


Julie MacMillan said...

Love the tree holder! I hope you had a wonderful christmas and it's my turn to jingle you....sometime this month! Cheers Julie

gladventurer said...

Oh the wonder of a Christmas tree